
Piemont –
Mit Mulis über Stock und Stein

Environmental Doc
Directed by Philipp Landauer
32 min

Luciano Ellena and his mule Katty face unpredictable weather as they transport supplies to a mountain refuge.

Luciano Ellena has loved mules for as long as he can remember. After years in the city, he returned to his hometown of Chiusa di Pesio and bought his first mule, Katty. That was 20 years ago. Since then, Luciano has devoted his life to the dying craft of a "sumpter" - from the Old French sommetier which meant “pack-horse driver”. Mules, a cross between horses and donkeys, are particularly well-suited for this task. Luciano makes his living with his mules, whether by hiring them out to graze steep meadows or by transporting goods into the mountains with Katty. Now, with hutkeeper Paolo about to open his mountain refuge at 2,300 meters for the next three months, Luciano's services are needed. As the weather is unpredictable, and the planned helicopter transport to the hut is at risk of being canceled, Luciano and Katty are called upon to deliver supplies to the mountain refuge. Will they make it to the top in time?

Sun, Oct 13, 14:30