
Nenets vs. Gas

Environmental Doc
Directed by Sergio Ghizzardi
OV + ENG Subs
52 min

Yamal, rich in gas, is home to Nenets reindeer herders. Their nomadic life faces threats from melting permafrost and industry.

In the heart of the Arctic lies the Yamal Peninsula, a symbol of Russia’s energy might as the world’s largest gas exploitation zone. The discovery of massive gas deposits has attracted giants like Novatek, TOTAL, and the Chinese National Petroleum Corp. Yet, Yamal is also the ancestral home of the Nenets. In Nenets the name Jamal means the end of the world. For over 200 generations, the Nenets have roamed this land as nomadic reindeer herders. Every year, Vassily and his brigade embark on a 1500-kilometer journey across the peninsula. But for how much longer? As the permafrost melts and industrialization surges, centuries of history and a unique way of life face an uncertain future.

Sat, Oct 12, 21:15