Jane Goodall – Reasons for Hope

Nature Doc
Directed by David Lickley
OV (ENG) + ENG Subs
43 min

"Jane Goodall’s Reasons for Hope" showcases global stories of environmental recovery, youth action, and human resilience.

Drawing on decades of work by the world’s most famous living naturalist, “Jane Goodall’s Reasons for Hope” is an uplifting journey around the globe to highlight good news stories that will inspire people to make a difference in the world around them. Featured stories such as the Northern Bald Ibis’ migration over the Alps, the re-introduction of the American Bison by the Blackfeet Nation, the worldwide recognized Sudbury Regreening Story and inspiring youth-led initiatives align with historic footage of Jane’s beginnings as a chimpanzee researcher. Throughout, the film reinforces Jane's four pillars of hope that signal tremendous hope for the future: the amazing human intellect, the resilience of nature, the power and dedication of young people, and the indomitable human spirit. Follow Jane on this adventure of inspiration.

Thu, Oct 10, 09:00
Thu, Oct 10, 19:00
Sat, Oct 12, 21:15
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